113-2 智慧科技:決策因此快又準
Smart Tech : Making decisions more valuable


  • This course is a lower level undergraduate course, especially suitable for the first yesr freshmen. and it is an information science course for students without prior computer experiences.

    The course introduces four information science topics, namely Artificial Intelligence, Bitcoin and Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and Data Science and Big Data, also known as ABCD. Although this course is an introductory course, in order to allow students to actually gain a hand-on experience, the course has added practice problems. In addition to the in-class(on-line) lectures, there are also computing lab exercises. The lab exercises and practice are mainly on Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.


  • There are four topics in this course: Artificial Intelligence, Bitcoin and Blockchain, Cloud Computing, and Data Science and Big Data. Students who complete the course can have a preliminary understanding of these four major science developments and build a foundation for advanced learning. It also opens the direction of application to students' majors.


  • 葉建寧


  •  2025/2/17~2025/6/20
  •  7小時 / 14週

113-2 藝術治療之數位媒材brush應用

品牌策略 - 以文化為創新來源 第四輯

品牌策略 - 以文化為創新來源 第三輯
